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Physics of Nuclear Submarines
The capability of modern-day nuclear-powered submarines relies on fundamental physical concepts built into their design and covert operations. This website aims to educate on the physics of these vessels whilst being interactive in its nature by presenting the key concepts via a secret mission for the reader to complete.
Operation: Deep Dive
Mission Briefing
As physicists, you have been entrusted with an urgent mission:
Design a submarine for a top-secret naval programme. Every decision you make will alter the fate of the mission. Choose wisely, the capability of your submarine depends on it.
Please use the following pages of this website to expand your knowledge on the key physics behind these naval vessels and complete the technical assessments at the bottom of the homepage to complete the mission. Whether it be the hydrodynamics of optimised torpedo hulls or the key principles of waves inherent within modern-day sonar technology, there exist many physical phenomena which will alter the outcome of this mission.
Technical Assessments
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